It is important to say a prayer for safe travel when embarking on a cycle ride. Here are prayers for cycling to reference when praying as a solo rider or with your team.
The Ghisallo Prayer for Cyclists: Italian Version
O Madre del Signore Gesù, Ti preghiamo di volerci benignamente assistere e proteggere nelle nostre attività ciclistiche.
Ti domandiamo di conservarci forti e sani nel corpo, puri e ferventi nell’anima e di tenerci lontani dai pericoli sia negli allenamenti che nelle corse.
Ti chiediamo de fare della bicicletta un strumento de fratellanza e di amicizia, che possa servire per elevarci sempre di più a Dio.
Ti preghiamo per i nostri cari amici che, strappati alla nostra compagnia, hai voluto con Te nel Regno del Tuo Figlio: dona loro la gioia della Tua beatitudine, e concedi ai loro familiari di accettare con fede e rassegnazione questa durissima prova.
The Ghisallo Prayer for Cyclists: English Version
O Mother of the Lord Jesus, We pray that you kindly assist and protect us in our cycling activities.
We ask that you keep us strong and healthy in body, pure and fervent in spirit and keep us away from dangers both in training and in races.
We ask that you make the bicycle a tool of brotherhood and friendship, which may serve to elevate us ever closer to God.
We pray for our dear friends who, torn from our company, you wanted with You in the Kingdom of your Son: he gives them the joy of Thy bliss, and allows their families to accept this ordeal with faith and resignation.
The Ghisallo Prayer for Cyclists: Another English Version
Lord, protect us from harm as we go on this bike ride. Guide us away from accidents. Instill in us a level of awareness to thwart others who are inconsiderate to our vulnerability on the roadways.
In your name we pray.
Aside from the Ghisallo Prayer here's another prayer you can use for your bike rides:
Prayer For Safe Travels By Fr. Amado Picardal
As we bike through the city streets, the highways and the mountain trailsProtect us LORD from spills and crashes
Trucks and cars whose drivers do not recognize our right to use the roads
Dogs who like to bite our shapely legs
Potholes, cracks, and sharp objects that flatten our tires,
Thieves, and bikenappers who lust after our bikes
The rains and thunders
And all kinds of nasty accidents
Give us energy and the strength
To wake up in the morning and go for a bike ride
To keep us from bonking
To ride up hills and mountains
To reach our destination
Grant us the courage
To descend rapidly down the hills
To ride through the rain
To join and finish races even if we know we’ll never win
May we experience the joy and ecstasy
As we are moved by the beauty of nature
As the sun and the wind caress our face
As we feel one with the bike and the road
And forget about the time
As we get in touch with the child within us
As we enjoy each other’s company
As we feel we could bike forever
May we continue biking even as we grow old
And up to the day we die
And may you allow us to continue biking in heaven
Forever and ever.
La Madonna del Ghisallo: Patron Saint of Cyclists. Protect us on the road and trails.
Ride safe mga kapadyak!
Sheffield, S. (2019, October 23). La Madonna del Ghisallo & the Ghisallo prayer [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.flahute.com/cycling/la-madonna-del-ghisallo-the-ghisallo-prayer/.
Prayer Cycles. (2015, June 5). Prayer cycles – General cycling prayers [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://prayercyclesrides.wordpress.com/about/prayer-cycles-general-cycling-prayers/.