The Complete Guide on How to Install Vicomi Reaction Bar on Blogger

Hand choosing emoji on digital table.

If you want your readers to react to your articles using emojis, aside from expressing their thoughts in the comments section, then follow the below step by step to add the reaction bar buttons powerered by Vicomi in your Blogger or Blogspot blog.

Tap into your audience’s emotions and boost engagement and revenues for your content, using Reactions Bar free emotional reaction tools.

STEP 1: Go to

STEP 2: Click on Get Your Free Reaction Tools Now.

Vicomi get your reaction tools now

STEP 2: Choose a Plan – Continue with FREE Plan unless you want to go premium.

Vicomi free account

STEP 3: Select Where you want to add your Reaction bar if it is for every type of websites like Blogger or WordPress. This tutorial is for Blogger or Blogspot blogs so Choose the Get the code for HTML website

Vicomi code for HTML websites and WordPress websites

STEP 4: Now sign up by filling out the form. Enter your website URL, Email, First Name and Last Name, Title, Phone, Country, your desired Password, Website size, and answer How did you hear about us. Click Next after you fill out the form. The copy/paste the code on your site and customize your emojis window will pop out.

Vicomi sign up form

STEP 5: Copy the first code and paste right above the closing </body> tag of the HTML in your website

Vicomi copy code

STEP 6: Copy the second Code and Paste below <data:post.body/> or wherever you want your Feelbacks reaction platform will appear:

STEP 7: Click on Save Theme. That's all installation is done.

To customize your emojis login here using your login credentials.

Your voice matters. Discussions are moderated for civility before being published on the blog. Read my comment policy here.

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